
Sunday Fellowship

Join us in person for fellowship and light refreshments in the undercroft after services on Sundays! 

20's & 30s Group

Have you wondered if there is a place in church for you? Are you seeking to how Christ fits in to your daily life? Are you searching for a community? Do you have an interest in engagement with your community, and having a positive social impact? Do you find yourself overwhelmed with the demands of growing professionally? 

Whether you have been a lifelong Episcopalian, churchgoer from a different tradition, consider yourself spiritual, or just have questions about God, or even if you’re just looking for a community of those in a similar life stage or position as you. We foster a safe space to be who you are and offer an environment to discuss shared life experiences, never checking our brains at the door, as we Forge our individual paths to find a sense of belonging. 

Email the coordinator!

Foyer Dinner Groups

A reminder of how these dinners work: six to eight parishioners, coordinated by a captain. If held in a home, the tradition is for the host to prepare the main dish and direct group members to bring the rest of the dinner. Dinners can also be held in restaurants or at the church. They are a wonderful way to get to know people and to share fellowship together. Contact: Don Albert.

Episcopal Men's Fellowship (EMF)

EMF is a monthly gathering of the men of All Souls for fellowship. Contact: Ike Brannon

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