Flowers, Candles, & Dedications

Altar Flowers and Sanctuary Candle

Throughout the year we offer the opportunity to dedicate Sunday altar flowers or the perpetually burning sanctuary candle in memory or in honor of a special occasion, anniversary, or loved one. Dedication text is printed in our leaflet insert.

Please note that options may be limited or unavailable on certain Sundays based on prior reservations or because flowers are used differently in different seasons of the church year (for example, we do not have flowers for most Sundays in the seasons of Advent and Lent).

We ask for the following donations:

  • $100 for the Main Altar flowers (two large arrangements)
  • $50 for the Marian Altar (two small arrangements)
  • $25 for the Sanctuary Candle (burns for one week in the Marian Chapel)

Special Dedications for Christmas & Easter

At Christmas and Easter the church is adorned with additional greens and flowers and special music is added to our services. Many people offer holiday dedications to honor special occasions or loved ones and contribute toward the costs of making these services special. Gifts of any amount are invited and dedications are printed in our holiday service leaflets.

Dedication Request Form

Contact Us

I would like my name included in the dedication that is printed in the Weekly worship leaflet insert.

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