Major Gifts

Major Gifts

There is a long history of generous giving at All Souls. Many past parishioners have made significant contributions that are now part of our endowment because they wanted to see the important work and mission of the parish continue.  Others have donated with more specific purposes in mind, whether that be the music program or the maintenance and upkeep of our physical plant, much of which is over a century old. 

In recent years, the parish has made significant investments in our historic building. We replaced the slate roof and the sanctuary heating and air conditioning systems, for example.  Nevertheless, there is still much to be done. Structural stone walls require tuck pointing. The stone itself is spalling. Several stained glass windows need restoration and all of them need specialized cleaning. Pew cushions and administration wing carpet and furniture needs refreshing. The project list is long one.

If you are interested in learning more or in underwriting the full or partial cost of any of these projects, please see or contact the Rector or Senior Warden.

Planned Giving & Bequests

What builds a church? 

Faithful people, faithful discipleship, and faithful giving. The faith and forethought of many have made it possible for us to worship in this place.

One thing have I desired of the Lord, which I will require, even that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the fair beauty of the Lord, and to visit his temple.” – Psalm 27

Have Faith in the Future

Remember All Souls in your will.

More than half of all Americans die without a will. If you don’t make decisions about how your money and assets will be divided when you die, the government (through estate taxes and other taxes) will be happy to decide for you. You can better protect your assets for your loved ones and help All Souls by taking the time to make a will.

A bequest in a will is the simplest and most common planned gift. It can be an outright monetary bequest, a percentage of your estate, a percentage of the “rest, reside and remainder” of your estate after a number of other bequests have been fulfilled, or a specific asset such as personal or real property.

Take the time now to plan for the future.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. – Matthew 6:21

Gifts and Bequests with All Souls as beneficiary can be of two types:

Restricted: The donor has identified a specific purposes(s) to which the funds should be directed. The Vestry will guarantee that the uses(s) to which those funds are applied is faithful to the donor's wishes. The funds may be directed to their designated purposes(s) either as an endowment, in which case they normally would become a designated fund within the All Souls Endowment (note that certain thresholds may apply), or by direct expenditure of the funds through the Treasurer of the Parish. 

Unrestricted:  The expectation is that such a bequest will be transferred to the All Souls Endowment. Such transfers are intended to be held in perpetuity. This policy specifically acknowledges that from time to time truly extraordinary needs of the Parish may arise to necessitate an exception to this policy.

All Souls strongly urges you to consult with your attorney, financial and/or tax advisor to review this information provided to you without charge or obligation. This information in no way constitutes legal or financial advice. 

Click here to view All Souls' Gift Acceptance Policy.

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