It is a priority of ours, as a church family, to care for one another. Much of that care is offered
informally, through the friendships shared among parishioners. We also have some
more structured ways to care for one another:
A group of All Souls parishioners send cards to those on our prayer list and others in need of consolation or congratulations. Happy or sad, we let them know everyone at All Souls Episcopal Church is praying for them and wishing them well. If you know someone who could use a card or if you would like to join our Care Card ministry, please let us know. Email the Office.
Our prayer list appears in our weekly announcements and is emailed each Thursday. The names on the prayer list are read out during the Prayers of the People during Sunday Mass. To include someone in this listing, please call or email the parish office. Names stay on the prayer list for one month unless the parish office is notified that they should stay on longer. Email the office to place a request.
Caring for one another is at the heart of All Souls' identity. If you are facing a challenge, our community's support awaits you. Let us know by emailing Mthr. Sara or Kevin LeGrand. You may also call the parish office at 202-232-4244.
Several All Souls parishioners are trained as healing ministers. They are available at Mass on the first Sunday of each month in the Mary Chapel during the administration of Holy Communion for prayer, laying of hands for healing, and anointing with holy oil. Alternatively, if you would like a healing minister to join you in a virtual, one-to-one healing rite, please contact Al Muller or Lisa Watson via email.
All Souls would like to help train volunteers as Lay Eucharistic Visitors. If you have been a LEV in the past or in another parish and would like to be a part of this ministry at All Souls, email Kevin LeGrand. Email here.
The Wendt Center is a premier resource for restoring hope and healthy functioning to adults, teens and children who are coping with grief, loss and trauma. We provide mental health counseling, training and education, crisis response and case management services to ease the impact of illness, loss, and traumatic events. We respect individuals and their experiences, understand the pain of loss and trauma, and support people in their healing journey.
The Cleveland & Woodley Park Village helps senior neighbors live safely and confidently in their homes and engage in community events through the support of a network of dedicated neighborhood volunteers.
Iona supports people as they experience the challenges and opportunities of aging. We educate, advocate, and provide community-based services to help people age well and live well.
Seabury Resources for Aging's mission is to provide personalized, affordable services and housing options to help older adults in the greater Washington, DC area live with independence and dignity.