The best way to begin thinking about a wedding at All Souls is by attending on a Sunday or weekday and checking us out. Once you've experienced worship among us and gotten a sense of the clergy and parish, if you would like to inquire about a wedding, simply email our office or call us at 202-232-4244 to talk about possible dates.
As the understanding of Christian marriage and God’s blessing on covenant relationships continues to evolve, the Episcopal Church continues to pray, discern, and live out its faith. Episcopal priests (depending upon the Diocesan and state regulations) may marry same-gender couples, but the 2012 General Convention of the Episcopal Church authorized a particular liturgy for provisional use by same-gender couples. The liturgy may be found here.
Different-gender couples may use any of the liturgies in the Book of Common Prayer p. 423 –436, or the provisional liturgy designed for same-gender couples. The Prayer Book service is the more traditional service, while the provisional liturgy may better reflect the theology of relationships in the 21st Century.
In any case, the liturgy normally includes the Celebration of Holy Communion for all who are present, though there may be circumstances in which Communion is not celebrated.
While church membership is not required before marriage, those who come to the Church seeking God's blessing on their relationship should do so with a clear intention of maintaining an active participation in the life of the Church. While there may be extenuating circumstances, it should be considered normative that a marriage take place where the couple intends to worship.
Begin by visiting All Souls for a worship service. This is where the conversation should begin, even if you are new. Visiting will give you a sense of the space, the style, the musical offerings available, and the personalities of the clergy.
Contact the parish office to see if the church is available and speak with a priest about scheduling your service. You may call the parish office at 202-232-4244 or email the office.
Fees are different for members and nonmembers and should be discussed with the Rector. Payment for all fees is expected by the time of the rehearsal.
The license is issued by the Marriage Bureau section of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, located at Moultrie Courthouse, 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Room JM690, Washington, D.C. 20001. The main phone number is 202-879-4840 and the business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The marriage license should be obtained within sixty days of the wedding and brought to the parish office. The priest cannot officiate without the license. After the wedding, the priest will sign and mail the license. Click Here for More Information.
If flowers are to be used, they are arranged through Allan Woods Florist, 2645 Connecticut Avenue NW (between Calvert and Woodley), Washington, DC 20008. The phone number is 202-332-3334. Options for flowers include two large arrangements (one on either side of the High Altar) and two additional, smaller arrangements on the altar in the Mary Chapel. Flowers are left in the church for use on Sunday, and the Sunday worship leaflet will identify the flowers as given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the new couple. Prayers are also said for the couple.
Music is coordinated through our Director of Music, who may be reached at 202-232-4244 or by email.
The normal process around weddings and blessings involves an initial meeting with the rector. In this meeting, the spiritual traditions of the couple are discussed, as well as their expectations for their life in the future. If the couple decides to continue in this process, they will then meet with a counselor for five one hour sessions. These are confidential with the provision that if there is any reason why the counselor cannot recommend the couple further, she will communicate this to the rector. The rector and the couple then meet to plan the liturgy and discuss any additional spiritual questions the couple may have.