It was not long after I walked through those front doors of All Souls that I decided this was the church I wanted to make my spiritual home. My then partner and I were warmly welcomed by the rector and his partner and we soon began to get acquainted with some of the members. Over time, I began to get more involved with the activities and life of this parish. As a chef/caterer I would offer my services when it came to the various receptions, dinners, morning breakfasts, coffee service, and the monthly senior Wise & Mature lunches for the next 16 years. As Father Van Dooren once said to me, my gift was hospitality. So, that was the primary focus of my involvement with All Souls.
As time passed, I also provided transportation to assist some of our senior ladies attend All Souls. I was carrying "precious cargo" and had to drive accordingly. As they have all now passed away, that ministry has ended; but, it was a rewarding experience for me as I got to know more about members of my parish family in a totally different light.
There have been other activities which I have been involved in during my 27 years as a member of this parish family. Currently, my focus has been centered around our Sunday services as the lead acolyte and altar guild member. You'll see me most Sundays participating in our service from the front.
Even though it has been especially challenging these last three years, I never once shied away from my commitment to this church. It has always been about how I could express my faith in ways which would benefit my parish family. My contribution of "time and talent" is of course to maintain a vital parish community. Just as important has been the financial commitment I've made through my weekly pledge. We must keep the lights on; we must maintain and make needed repairs to our historic church; we must pay our staff. And, it's up to each and every one of us to step forward, to express our support and devotion to this parish by making a pledge in whatever amount we are able to do. Yes, there have been tough times these last years, and it has been a matter of needs and wants. By showing your financial support for All Souls, you recognize the need to keep our parish moving forward together. Thank you for your kind consideration when making your pledge this year. And, please think about how you could also give your time and talent in any number of ways to All Souls. (We could use some extra hands with the altar guild and as acolytes.)
Mark Hoffman