I always appreciate the occasional Sunday when we substitute the Apostles Creed for the Nicene Creed. Apart from its brevity (particularly welcomed when we don’t have working HVAC), I like the Apostles Creed’s reminder that one of our central beliefs as Christians is that we are a communion of saints, and we affirm our belief in this fellowship as we recite other core Christian doctrines including forgiveness of sin, the resurrection, and everlasting life. I take great comfort from the idea that I am linked to fellow Christians from the past, in the present, and to the future and share in their spiritual and material gifts as they do in mine (an uneven exchange, in terms of my contributions).
At its founding as All Souls Memorial Episcopal Church, and throughout its history, this parish has lived into this doctrine and its name by recognizing our continuing ties to members of our community who had “gone home to the Lord” with dedications throughout our church. For me, these tangible reminders of the lives of All Souls parishioners, of their commitment to this parish, and of the continuing impact they have on our church today are an inspiration to continue in that fellowship.
Recently, the parish has received unexpected and significant bequests from two former parishioners who although not active in the parish in many years have shown their continued fellowship with us in a tangible and timely way. These gifts will be applied toward the major capital expenses we are incurring to prepare our building to serve this community--this part of the communion of saints--into the next century by replacing our more than 100 years old roof and by updating our HVAC system to provide, once again, heat and air conditioning to the church. Despite the extraordinary generosity shown by these former parishioners, their gifts will cover not even half of our anticipated expenses for these projects. We are fortunate also to have endowment funds, a further testament to the generosity of past parishioners and to the careful management of those funds by current members of the parish, to defray the further costs.
However, endowment funds are not limitless and other challenges, some not able to be anticipated, surely await our parish in the future. But, these challenges also present an opportunity for us to live into our roles and responsibilities as current members of the All Souls communion of saints. One way we do this, ideally, is through giving our time, talents, and treasure to the ministries of this parish. Opportunities for use of our time and talents abound; there are committees and groups that invite and allow each of us to participate in all aspects of the life and ministries of the parish and all of them need your help and participation. Likewise, your financial support both for the ordinary and regular expenses of the parish through your annual pledges and also for the extraordinary expenses we are currently facing are vitally important to allow us to continue our ministries and to demonstrate to candidates for the rector’s position that we are a vital and engaged communion of saints. Help us continue to live into our parish name, to our responsibilities to the parishioners who came before us, to our current communicants, and to those we expect will follow us.