A Message from Lisa Watson
Recently retired, I find I regularly need to coach myself on living in the moment – less re-hashing of the past and not fretting over the future. Given my new “golden girl” status, it seems more important than ever to positively focus on the here and now from the perspectives of awareness, appreciation, acceptance and joy. I’ve realized, though, that the mind’s muscle memory is stubborn. Even though I no longer have the 8-10 hour daily pulls of a demanding job, I still find it’s tough to calm my brain and just breathe.
For me, that is one of the gifts All Souls always has offered. For those several hours each Sunday, I am given the opportunity, should I choose to accept it, of truly being present . . . whether inspired by the music, the liturgy, the eucharist, or the humbling beauty of our sanctuary. (I’ve gained a new appreciation for how special that space is during our temporary moves downstairs over the last year!) Who can kneel in the silence of the Mary Chapel and not leave more centered and whole? And I am able to experience that peace and absorb that wonderment in the company of those who seek a similar refuge, with whom I share common, often unstated bonds of caring and friendship.
I believe it is this kinship that has kept our All Soul’s family together over the last difficult 4-5 years. On our best days, it feels like we are patterned after “The Little Engine that Could.” Despite the many significant challenges, with the Lord’s help we have pulled from our core, working to preserve and grow our best parts, refusing to give up. Though there still is much to be done, the perseverance is paying off. We are on the cusp of calling a new rector, work is underway to repair and restore our incredible church structure, and we’ve launched “Tending our Soil” to help realize, revitalize and operationalize our future. The potential to strengthen and grow our parish is real and palpable.
All this brings me back to where I started. As a church community, it is up to each of us to seek that healthy balance: being fully present in the moment, while at the same time acknowledging where we’ve been and positively anticipating where we are going. May God grant us the ability to find strength and joy in today as we hold hands, diligently put one foot in front of the other, and prepare for what the Holy Spirit has in store.