A Letter from Our Senior Warden
Dear All Souls:
I’m back communicating with you this Sunday, and then I’m off to Europe with our daughter and grand-daughters. We will be in many churches, but I will miss All Souls.
Recently, I was inspired by the following quote from a letter to the editor of the Washington Post. The reader was commenting on an Op Ed by Rabbi David Wolpe about the importance of congregational life. “The comfort and support that members offer to one another, the courage to forgive and to accept forgiveness, and the perseverance in times of stress or grief are inspiring. No congregation is perfect, which is why worship begins with the confession of sins. We learn to believe in goodness even though we are not always good. The hard work of trying to love our neighbors as ourselves is a shared responsibility. Life together as a community of believers is challenging, mysterious and richly rewarding.” I could not have said it better.
I really appreciate your responses to my reaching out about being on one or more of the All Souls Committees. The committee structure and membership is now complete and posted on the All Souls web site here. We have about 50 All Souls parishioners who are involved! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for contributing your time and talent to All Souls.
On another note, coming up in the Fall we hope to restart regular Adult Forums at 10 am on Sundays. My husband, Joe Howell, will organize them and conduct some of them. Here is the overall plan:
Here is a description from Joe about his motivation for the fall Forum series:
“As the saying goes, Episcopalians are known to check their hat at the door, not their brains. Since the early 1990s the tagline for All Souls Church has been “Traditional Worship, Progressive Thinking.” While we are now using Rite 2, our services continue to be traditional and solemn. But what about our “progressive thinking”? Starting in the 1990s the adult forums have been the primary vehicle for presenting and discussing theological ideas and questions of faith facing our church and the church in the wider world. These forums are not intended to be typical “Sunday School classes,” but more thoughtful discussion and learning experiences. The “progressive thinking” at All Souls has meant that issues at Sunday Adult Forums are related to the big questions of faith and belief. We will begin the forums in the fall. Stay tuned.”
Embry Howell, Senior Warden