Education for Ministry at All Souls
Education for Ministry, informally known as EfM, is a learning certificate program sponsored by The University of the South, Sewanee, TN. Over a 4-year period, participants read the entire Bible (Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament) and also study church history and theology. EfM is much more than the reading assignments. It is not, however, designed to lead to the priesthood. Everyone is called to ministry. When we are baptized we are marked by the Spirit. We are all followers of Jesus. This coming year’s EfM theme is “Living as Spiritually Mature Christians.” What does that mean and how do we do it?
During weekly seminars over the academic year, we begin and end each session with prayer; we discuss our reading assignments including what we found puzzling or confusing or uplifting; then we do a theological reflection in which we explore life experiences in light of scripture and Christian teachings.
The true joy of the course is how we share with each other. We are working to understand what our faith is, what our personal theology is, and what we are called to do. Ministry can take many forms. Anything from giving a needed hug in the moment to developing a new program in our parish and/or community. But most of all, we love sharing our stories (confidentiality and trust are a must). It’s not just thinking about God, but loving God. This is what we are all called to do. It is a process that that we can grow into and sometimes we can get a glimpse of what that is. Even if we make mistakes and our failings come to the fore, we still have each other. Our hope is that our EfM community can help each of us and All Souls grow together into a stronger community.
All Souls’ most recent EfM graduates will receive their completion certificates during the 11 service on July 23. If you would like to learn more about EfM, join us after coffee to discuss the program with recent graduates and mentors.